The Antumbra Configurator is a fantastic tool that allows integrators and users to create the necessary documentation to label Dynalite Antumbra series user interfaces.
With so may panel finishes and options, it is recommended to have the client sign off and approve the generated configuration sheets to ensure the correct customisation is ordered.
This series of articles from my Dynalite page focuses on products from the Philips Dynalite networked lighting control portfolio. Many industry professionals regard Philips Dynalite as being the world’s best lighting control system, that I have represented with Lightmoves for many years. SimonLakey
The Philips Dynalite AntumbraButton user interface consists of easy to press mechanical buttons that can be customized with text or icons and incorporates the latest in field effect technology. The contemporary design features a number of button configurations, with each button capable of local or site-wide control functions.
Field effect technology – The user interface detects an approaching user and ‘wakes up’, initiating a wall-wash lighting effect to encourage interaction.
Supplied as two components – The Application Module contains buttons, rim, base and mounting plate, which can be mixed and matched to suit décor. The Communication Module contains all of the logical and network functions and is pre-programmed off-site, allowing commissioning to commence prior to finish options being finalized.
Hidden sensory inputs – An internal light sensor measures ambient light and adjusts lightwash effect accordingly. A built-in temperature sensor automatically adjusts air conditioning when integrated into the system.
Multiple language and icon labeling – Button labeling language choices include English, Chinese and Arabic. A library of common icons transcends language barriers, which is particularly useful in hospitality applications.
Selection of rim and fascia options – Allows décor matching to suit any environment.
For The Australian market, the Antumbra Button series is available with three different button configurations; 2/4/6 buttons. The base button application module is the same on all models, with the buttons easily attached and removed if required.
Product codes
When ordering, there is a suffix added to the standard product code that specifies finish options:
Button finish
Rim finish
Button colour/finish
Antumbra is now available with a range of finishes, to suit any decor. The traditional plastic (polycarbonate) button finishes are now complimented by a range of stunning metallic finishes.
Polycarbonate finishes (Plastic) W = White S = Silver M = Magnesium
Metallic finishes A = Aluminium G = Gold J = Jet N = Noir P = Prestige V = Vintage
Rim finish
The Antumbra range can be ordered with a mix of rim finishes to compliment the button finish. Rims are plastic, with the aluminium and chrome being a metallic look, rather than being metal.
W = White A = Aluminium C = Chrome M = Magnesium
Custom labelling
Custom labelling has always been a feature of Dynalite user interfaces. I recommend and encourage all user interfaces to be labelled to improve the user experience for the client.
X = No labels (blank) L = Custom labels
Use the online Philips Antumbra configurator to produce labelling documentation, to sign off on, and accompany your purchase order.
When reviewing the Philips Dynalite price list, pricing Antumbra panels can be a little confusing.
All button configurations are the same price (i.e. 2/4/6 buttons).
All rim colours are the same price (when included with the panel).
Button finish pricing varies, between polycarbonate and metallic.
All Antumbra panels require a DACM communications modules, that is ordered as a separate product.
All panels should be labelled where possible – it provides the best user experience (but you can order unlabelled if you want).
The most popular and typical pricing configurations of a labelled polycarbonate and metallic panels are:
PAxBPA with labelled polycarbonate buttons (W/S/M) + DACM
PAxBPA with labelled metallic buttons (A/G/N/J/V/P) + DACM
Can’t commit to labelling?
It is quite common for some clients to order unlabelled Antumbra panels, and an additional labelled button set.
When ordering a button set, be sure to prepare configuration documentation using a PAxBSA product code, rather that a standard PAxBPA code.
Pricing this scenario could look something like this example:
PAxBPA with unlabelled polycarbonate buttons (W/S/M) + DACM
PAxBSA labelled polycarbonate button set
More functionality?
If 2,4, or 6 buttons is not enough, and you require more functionality, look at the Antumbra Display range, that I will feature in an upcoming ‘Getting to know’.
This series of articles focuses on products from the Philips Dynalite networked lighting control portfolio. Many industry professionals regard Philips Dynalite as being the world’s best lighting control system, that I have represented with Lightmoves for many years. SimonLakey
The DACM (Dynalite Antumbra Communication Module) is a DyNet communication module that connects to any Antumbra user interface to a Philips Dynalite system. It is most often purchased with an Antumbra application module (e.g. PAxBPA, PATPA, PADPA).
Powered by DyNet – Does not require an external power supply.
Universally compatible – Works with any AntumbraButton, AntumbraTouch or AntumbraDisplay application module.
Onboard processor – Contains all logical and network functions and can be commissioned prior to installation.
Functions without application module – Can be installed, wired and tested without application module, avoiding fascia damage during ongoing construction.
Pre-configuration – Can store and recall up to 21 configurations using the DIP switch, streamlining the commissioning and installation process.
You may start to notice that the DACM has been updated to a DACM V3, that now has a green label:
Original DACM: Black label
DACM V2: Blue label
DACM V3: Green label
Please upgrade your firmware version based on the device’s microprocessor: firmware version 2.xx for generation one microprocessors or firmware version 3.xx for generation two microprocessors.
For most applications, there will be no performance difference between the DACM V2 and DACM V3.
This series of articles focuses on products from the Philips Dynalite networked lighting control portfolio. Many industry professionals regard Philips Dynalite as being the world’s best lighting control system, that I have represented with Lightmoves for many years. SimonLakey
“Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it work.” – Steve Jobs
Most home owners give considerable thought to what their new home will look like – the floor plan, bench top materials, shower head type, curtain fabrics etc., but perhaps don’t give as much thought into how things will really work.
As a key foundation for a smart home, an electronic lighting system is one of the first electronic systems that should be considered for any building. Electronic lighting systems have been around for the best part of a quarter of a century, but in many homes, systems have been poorly designed, incorrectly installed, inadequately delivered, and under-utilised.
Without proper design consideration, a lighting control system can be nothing more than an over complicated, expensive electronic dimming system, that promises the world. There are many installed lighting control systems where electronic light switches merely replicate traditional light switches, and underwhelms the purchaser.
From experience, confusing and over complex lighting control systems never provide ideal room control, and therefore never presents the intended lighting to its best potential. The supposedly simple act of switching and adjusting lights becomes a counter-intuitive, cumbersome task – hardly the feature of a smart home.
A well designed lighting control system will consider how a room or area will be used. Lights are logically grouped together, and presets are created using these groupings, to customise the room to your requirements. The lighting control panel elegantly consolidates multiple buttons to control your lights and other systems. Buttons can be custom labeled with multi-language text or icons to suit the application.
In an example of a residential kitchen, a button labeled Cooking, could switch on the kitchen downlights, pendant lights, overhead cupboard lights, pantry lights, the kitchen exhaust fan, and perhaps play your favourite music album – everything you may need to prepare the family dinner. Individual light levels are automatically set to your exact requirements. The user can quickly and easily control all required lights at the touch of a single button, rather than having to manually adjust each and every light.
Today, progressive lighting control manufacturers provide beautiful, elegant switch panels that can be custom labeled for the application and project, allowing the user to quickly and easily identify the functionality of the room. Functionality can also extend to the practical, with intelligent panels that magically illuminate when your hand waves over fascia, and temperature sensors that can integrate with a heating and cooling system.
Other home systems such as motorised blinds, security and audio visual, can be easily controlled from a single room control panel. When integrated with intelligent motion sensors, ambient light sensors, and timers, functionality can be further extended. Lights can automatically be controlled, seemingly knowing your routines and intentions, without you even having to touch a button – now, that’s a smart home!
Philips Dynalite Antumbra series of lighting control panels